You hear often "split applications" when it comes to Prodiamine. What does this even mean?
Prodiamine is used primarily in the spring to keep crabgrass from invading the lawn. In order to create the very best defense, Allyn recommends what he calls the "Split Application Strategy". This strategy involves applying Prodiamine twice during the spring.
Here is what that looks like:
- Apply the first application when the soil temperatures cross 50º heading to 55º
- Apply the second application when the soil temperatures cross 65º heading to 70º
The reason behind the split application is that not all crabgrass germinates at the same time. Science has shown that germination begins as the soil temps go from 50 to 55. However, some seeds might be on the top where it gets warmer faster, and some may be a few inches down where it takes longer to warm up, while others might be in the shade where it's cooler longer and others are near concrete which heats up more quickly.
Here is a video clip with Allyn walking you through the split application strategy:
Link to video:
Click HERE for our FREE Pre-Emergent Guide
Keywords: Prodiamine, pre-emergent, preemergent, split applications, when to apply, strategy, spring, split
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