Most of the prices for our products, but not all include shipping. The details for each item include a section about the shipping costs. Some items have surcharges for specific states.
You will see a section in the product description that indicates whether or not that product price includes shipping the specific details:
Here is an example where shipping is not included-
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Here is an example where shipping is included, but certain states could include a surcharge-
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Our policy:
If you have received a shipping notification email, your order is considered shipped.
At that point your order is non-cancellable / non-refundable / non-swappable.
Please understand that our shipping team is working to get packages out as quickly as possible. Due to the shipping costs associated with these items we cannot process modifications, returns, or exchanges once an item has shipped.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all billing and shipping address information is accurate at the time of placing your order.
Keywords: free shipping, shipping charges, shipping costs, is shipping included in the cost of my item, shipping, ship, free
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